Joker is an upcoming Hindi fantasy adventure film directed by Shirish Kunder, and also his second directorial venture after Jaan-E-Mann. The film stars Akshay Kumar opposite Sonakshi Sinha in lead roles. This will be the second film in which Sinha is paired opposite Kumar after Rowdy Rathore. The film will release worldwide on August 31st, 2012. Joker is reportedly Akshay Kumar's 100th film. The trailer of the film revealed on 11 July 2012, and also in cinemas along with Cocktail. Chitrangada Singh has also performed an item number in the movie on song titled "Kafirana".
Catch the latest dialogue promo from the upcoming Akshay Kumar, Sonakshi Sinha starrer, Joker. The film releases on 31st August, 2012
Cast Crew :- Akshay Kumar, Minisha Lamba, Shreyas Talpade
Directed By :- Shirish Kunder
Produced By :- UTV Motion Pictures
Music By :- G. V. Prakash Kumar